Windows 7とAmazon Kindleをアップデートしよう!


ひとつはWindows 7

 日本マイクロソフト株式会社は23日、Windows 7Windows Server 2008 R2Service Pack 1(SP1)を、一般向けに公開した。Windows Updateや同社のダウンロードセンターで入手できる。
 一方のWindows 7 SP1では、RemoteFXへ対応するための「RDP 7.1」を除くと、特に新機能は追加されていない。

Windows 7/Server 2008 R2のSP1が一般公開 -INTERNET Watch Watch

手元にあるWILLCOM D4Windows 7を乗っけているので、久しぶりにUPS的バッテリー(900mAh!)を装着してアップデートしてみます。

もう一つはAmazon Kindle 3。

現在Amazon Kindle 3のファームウェアバージョンは3.0.2ですが、噂では3.1になるらしい。

New Features Included in Free Software Update

  • Real Page Numbers

Many titles in the Kindle Store now include real page numbers, making it easy to reference and cite passages and read alongside someone reading the print book in a book club or class. Page numbers will also be available on our free "Buy Once, Read Everywhere" Kindle apps in the coming months. As with all of Kindle's features, we want you to lose yourself in the author's words, so page numbers and locations are only displayed when you press the Menu button.

  • Public Notes

This feature lets Kindle users choose to make their book notes and highlights available for others to see. Any Kindle user -- including authors, their fans, book reviewers, professors and passionate readers everywhere -- can opt-in to share their thoughts on book passages and ideas with friends, family members, colleagues, and the greater Kindle community of people who love to read. To review and turn on Public Notes in your own books, view the Public Notes of people you follow, track your reading activities, see Popular Highlights and your annotations, and view your full library of books, go to

  • Before You Go ...

When you reach the end of the book, you can now immediately rate the book, share a message about the book with your social network, get personalized recommendations for what to read next, and see more books by the same author.

  • New Newspaper and Magazine Layout

A new browsing layout makes it easy to scan newspapers and magazines more quickly.

このアップデートは3G Amazon whisper netでの提供ではなく、Wi-Fiか、USB接続によりアップデートしろとのこと。

To receive the update, please turn your wireless on and connect to an available Wi-Fi network (learn how to set up Wi-Fi on your Kindle). The software update will automatically download in the background and install when your Kindle goes into sleep mode. The update should take less than 10 minutes to complete. If a Wi-Fi connection is not available or you would prefer to transfer the update via USB
